Zantac 360 May Be More Accurately Labeled Zantac BS

Recall Lawyer News

A write up on a leading website describes the plethora of deception being used by Sanofi to make up lost Zantac ranitidine sales

Sunday, May 23, 2021 - There is a case to be made that Sanofi is deliberately misleading consumers into thinking that Zantac 360 is new and improved and that the side effects and ancillary health risks have been eliminated. An article that I wrote last week touched on the blatantly deceptive marketing that has been brought to light by the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH). According to the article, nearly every written word on the cover of Zantac misleading or at the very least slanted to help sell the maximum amount of heartburn and acid indigestion medicine. AMCS article points out, first of all, that calling Zantac 360 Famotidine a "New Formula" is patently false as it is not a new formula but is a different drug. The term "Maximum Strength" is useless because all one has to do is take two regular-strength tablets. Using "360" as an adjective to describe Zantac implies that the drug has gone full circle and that the problems plaguing the first iteration of Zantac have been corrected, but they haven‘t. Finally, the most deceptive wording on the front of the Zantac 360 packaging may be the term, "Now With Famotidine." It is more accurate to say "instead of ranitidine" than to say "Now with Famotidine." "Finally, we have "Now With Famotidine," as if some special new ingredient has been added to the original Zantac to make it even better! Nah, Sanofi just changed the name and did so intentionally confusing manner," wrote the author of the ACHS article. Visit Zantac antacid cancer lawsuit to learn more.

Sanofi appears to have rushed Zantac 360 Famotidine to market in the wake of Zantac sales cratering to zero since its recall on April 1, 2020, when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) demanded that all forms of ranitidine be recalled. Zantac, made from ranitidine, was tested and found to contain highly elevated levels of N-nitrosomethylamine (NDMA), a deadly carcinogen. The discovery touched off a firestorm of lawsuits claiming that former Zantac users have developed stomach, bladder, esophageal, or another form of cancer from using the drug regularly for many years. Zantac cancer lawyers continue to interview former Zantac users that have cancer, and the list of plaintiffs could grow by the thousands in the months and years ahead.

Zantac would do better to highlight the side effects and contraindications that switching from the milder ranitidine to the extremely potent famotidine could cause. Famotidine is a type of histamine-2 receptor blocker drug that reduces the amount of stomach acid produced. tells readers that famotidine‘s common side effects are: "headache, dizziness, constipation, and diarrhea." Famotidine should not be taken for more than 14 days without seeing a physician as a more serious health issue may be causing heartburn. Famotidine has serious side effects including "heart rate and rhythm, severe muscle, neurological, liver and skin problems."
