Millions More Americans May Have Developed Cancer From Using Zantac Had Valisure Not Come Along

Recall Lawyer News

The FDA's fast-track drug approval program lacks adequate pre-market human drug testing trials

Monday, May 3, 2021 - A new study coming out of the University of Aberdeen suggests that Zantac users have a 22% greater chance of developing bladder cancer short-term and a 43% greater probability long-term (using the medicine as directed for more than 3-years). Zantac is a form of ranitidine and is the leading brand. Ranitidine has been found by researchers to be inherently unstable and to break down under certain conditions like high heat or interacting with nitrates in the stomach to become N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a deadly, carcinogenic compound. If this is true it is unsettling to think how many people have been exposed to cancer-causing quantities of NDMA because the determination that ranitidine is itself unstable suggests that it has been carcinogenic from day one. Zantac was approved for sale by the Food and Drug Administration in August of 1983 and has been the world‘s best-selling heartburn and acid reflux medicine. More than 15 million Americans took Zantac on April 1, 2020, when the FDA pulled the plug on all forms of ranitidine. GalaxoSmithKline and Sanofi, the manufacturers of Zantac, have raked in billions of dollars in sales for more than three decades. The two companies are under investigation by the Department of Justice for lying to government regulators about their knowledge of ranitidine‘s deadly chemical background. Visit Zantac antacid cancer lawsuit to learn more.

Equally disturbing is to think how many more Americans would have died from stomach, bladder, esophageal, and other types of cancer had online prescription drug testing pharmacy Valisure not come along. Valisure is a fledgling and novel business model, never before seen in the pharmaceutical industry. The company fills the void created by the FDA‘s 501(k) fast-track drug approval system whereby the agency abdicates its responsibility for thoroughly testing dangerous drugs before allowing them on to the market and instead relies on patients reporting adverse side effects to their database. Anyone can place an order for a specific brand or generic version of a drug that has been prescribed to them online. The drug will be tested for a wide variety of impurities including the presence of known carcinogens like NDMA. Valisure tests your prescription for "carcinogens, elemental Impurities, active ingredient ID, other Ingredients, dosage, dissolution, allergens, microbial, impurities, and efficacy, and side effects," according to the website. Valisure tested Zantac and found levels of NDMA that far exceeded the 96 NGS per capsule that the FDA set as a safe limit. Sanofi voluntarily recalled Zantac immediately when the FDA informed them of the NDMA news they had received.

Thousands of people with cancer who have used Zantac have signed up to file lawsuits against Sanofi and GSK for failing to warn them of the risks of developing the disease. Experts think that tens of thousands of Zantac cancer victims will come forward and file in the months and years to come if bellwether trials scheduled for 2022 go as planned. The results of the DOJ / Sanofi-GSK investigation and further ranitidine studies will be analyzed by a federal judge to determine the complex scientific evidence that can and can not be put forth before juries.

