A Person Experiencing Elmiron Vision Damage Can File A Lawsuit

Recall Lawyer News

Legal experts expect more than 1000 lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn women that their bladder pain medicine could ruin their eyesight

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 - Women with pigmentary maculopathy are filing lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals and its parent company Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn them of permanent vision damage caused by taking Elmiron. The companies now admit that taking Elmiron may result in vision loss, maculopathy, macular degeneration, and pigmentary maculopathy. These conditions cause difficulty driving at night and reading in sub-optimal lighting conditions. Many Elmiron vision damage lawyers work for their clients on a contingency basis. That means that the client pays nothing unless they win a favorable outcome and collect monetary damages. When a client signs a contingency agreement, a lawyer is assigned to the individual‘s case to help them organize the pertinent documents necessary to prove one has taken Elmiron and received a diagnosis of vision damage. The latter usually requires one to go to an opthalmologist to get a written diagnosis. Proving that one has taken Elmiron is as easy as providing a bank statement showing one has purchased the drug regularly and for at least several years. A successful plaintiff can best demonstrate that they would not have taken the drug in the first place if they were warned about Elmiron causing vision damage. Elmiron plaintiffs are usually women who took Elmiron to alleviate interstitial cystitis (IC), a.k.a. painful bladder syndrome.

Three hundred and sixty women have filed Elmiron vision damage lawsuits as of July 20, 2021, and potentially as many as 1000 in total in the future. Each can serve as an example for others that wish to follow suit and do the same. Elmiron lawsuits require complex expert medical testimony. The cases have been consolidated in multidistrict litigation (MDL) to ensure the experts present a credible case for and against the plaintiff‘s claims. MDL is not the same as a class-action lawsuit. Each case is presented separately seeking lump-sum monetary damages for reimbursement of medical expenses past and future loss of income, and punitive damages.

Elmiron cases are being presided over by U.S. District Judge Brian R. Martinotti in the District of New Jersey with the first trial being held as early as January 2023. Science day is scheduled in September 2021 when each side will select their best two or three medical experts to present the complicated science that underpins their case. After one or two days of presentation, the judge could take months to select the appropriate experts that will be allowed at trial. The proceedings of multidistrict litigation will aid both sides to come to a settlement agreement without going to trial. In the meantime, Elmiron vision damage lawyers will continue to interview women that have taken Elmiron for at least two years and have had a vision damage diagnosis. If you have taken Elmiron and are experiencing vision damage, you should see an opthalmologist to receive a diagnosis.
