CPSC Recall - Issued 4/22/2014

E-Z-GO Recalls Golf, Shuttle, Off-Road Utility Vehicles Due to Crash Hazard

Manufacturer: E-Z-GO Division of Textron Inc.
Product: Golf cars, shuttles and off-road utility vehicles
Hazard: The steering wheel nut may not have been tightened sufficiently, reducing the driver’s steering control. This can result in a crash.
Injuries: The firm is aware of one incident reportedly involving an insufficiently tightened steering wheel nut and reduced steering control, in which the vehicle went over a curb and a passenger received a chipped tooth.
Description: This recall involves E-Z-GO, Cushman and Bad Boy Buggies brand gas- and electric-powered, four-wheeled vehicles with bench seats for the driver and passengers. Recalled E-Z-GO and Cushman vehicles have serial numbers from 2823208 to 2850425 and from 3000001 to 3003187. Bad Boy Buggies vehicles have serial numbers from 8005089 to 8006013. The brand and model names are printed on the side and front panels of the vehicles. Serial numbers are printed on a plate or label inside the cab below the driver’s seat. The following vehicles are being recalled: E-Z-GO TXT Fleet golf cars E-Z-GO Freedom TXT, Shuttle 2+2 TXT and Valor personal golf cars all with one bench seat and one rear-facing seat E-Z-GO Express with two bench seats and one rear-facing seat, E-Z-GOTerrain with a cargo bed Cushman Shuttle vehicles Bad Boy Buggies HD, LD, LTO, and LT Safari utility vehicles
Remedy: Repair
Sold At: E-Z-GO, Cushman and Bad Boy Buggies dealers nationwide from August 2012 through February 2013 for between $6,650 and $10,650.
Units: About 30,000
Consumer Contact: E-Z-GO toll-free at (855) 738-3711 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday; or online at www.ezgo.com and click on Product Recall Information or at www.badboybuggies.com and click on Recall Information at the bottom of the page for more information.
Company Website: www.ezgo.com
