Former Zantac Users Must Identify The Causes and Symptoms of Colon (Bowel) Cancer

Recall Lawyer News

Zantac appears to have caused many types of cancer once attributed to eating a poor diet

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - Middle-aged men fear developing colon (bowel) cancer as much as any other life-threatening disease like heart disease or diabetes. Colon cancer is right up there with having prostate cancer as the cancer men fear most. With colon and prostate cancer, the treatment is potentially worse than the disease. Removing a diseased prostate gland can leave a man impotent for the remainder of his life. Removing the cancerous section of the colon (bowel) could force a man to have to wear and defecate into a colostomy bag. Men are constantly aware of these risks and many try to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle for these reasons. For decades, it was assumed that the potential causes of colon (bowel) and prostate cancer, were the foods and beverages we ate and drank. Never did it occur to most people that heartburn medicine was the cause of them. Medical experts now fear that bowel and colon cancer could be the result of taking Zantac ranitidine heartburn medicine. These two join other forms of cancer like stomach cancer, bladder cancer, and esophageal cancer. Visit Zantac antacid cancer lawsuit to learn more.

The UK‘s National Health Service (NHS) tells people to watch for certain signals that could indicate colon bowel cancer. According to the NHS, The 3 main symptoms of bowel cancer are: "persistent blood in your poo - that happens for no obvious reason or is associated with a change in bowel habit, a persistent change in your bowel habit - which is usually having to poo more and your poo may also become more runny, persistent lower abdominal (tummy) pain, bloating or discomfort - that‘s always caused by eating and may be associated with loss of appetite or significant unintentional weight loss. A man in California recently filed a lawsuit against Sanofi alleging that using Zantac regularly for around seven years caused him to develop colon cancer.

Medical experts in the UK have identified several factors that contribute to developing (bowel) cancer. These are advancing age or being overweight. Other factors linked to colon cancer are a poor diet rich in red meat, a lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and family history. Scores of former Zantac heartburn and acid reflux medicine users blame taking Zantac for developing their cancer.

Zantac, known by the generic name ranitidine, was the best-selling heartburn and acid reflux pain relief medicine for decades before independent tests linked it with dangerously high levels of N-nitrosomethylamine (NDMA) a known carcinogen. Research shows that ranitidine is an inherently unstable molecule that breaks down and becomes carcinogenic if exposed to higher than usual temperatures during transporting or storing the tablets. The high temperatures within the human body also may play a role in ranitidine degenerating into a carcinogen. More than 70,000 people have registered to file suit against Sanofi and GalaxoSmithKline, the makers of Zantac, for failing to warn them of the cancer dangers inherent in taking Zantac.
