Each New Elmiron Study Paints A Picture More Grim

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The number of women who experience Elmiron vision damage may continue to grow long after the drug is off of the market

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - A new study published in the April 2021 issue of the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology looks into the extent of the eyesight damage that has allegedly been caused by taking the drug Elmiron. The results of the study paint a frightening picture to anyone willing to read between the lines. The study tells us that one in five Elmiron users will develop maculopathy. More ominous is that the greater the dosage and the longer one takes it, the more likely is eyesight damage. As of this writing, there is no movement to ban Elmiron or take it off of the market, and as it stands, the drug is the only medicine available to help women cope with painful bladder syndrome. The longer Elmiron stays on the market, the greater the number of women affected by Elmiron vision damage syndrome. Elmiron must be taken for at least three months before its effects of alleviating bladder pain start to occur as the drug must build-up, like a retroviral drug, in the blood. One would think that stopping taking Elmiron would allow the blood to cleanse itself in time, but that too does not seem to be the case. Scientists think that Elmiron vision damage will continue to degenerate one‘s eyesight and worsen for as long as the patient lives. Visit Elmiron eye lawsuits to learn more.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, has enjoyed a monopoly on selling bladder pain prescription medicine since its FDA approval in 1996. Elmiron is used to treat interstitial cystitis (IC), better known as painful bladder syndrome. IC affects mostly women and is an unexplainable irritation of the bladder‘s lining that occurs after pregnancy. The list of Elmiron‘s signs and symptoms would make a person think twice before agreeing to take the medicine and include blurry vision, night blindness and the inability to drive at night, having difficulty reading in less than sub-optimal lighting conditions, and far-sightedness. There is no other treatment for IC other than taking Elmiron for the remainder of one‘s life. Women who have stopped taking Elmiron report that their bladder pain has returned, and the vision problems have continued to worsen. Elmiron vision damage lawyers are interviewing prospective plaintiffs that seek monetary compensation for their pain and suffering.

Elmiron eyesight damage may have been misdiagnosed as being age-related for decades. Janssen never bothered to update the drug‘s warning label or website until June of 2020, just a few short months ago, to warn women of the risks to their vision. Doctors were willing to label a women‘s night blindness and blurred vision as "age-related maculopathy," a form of natural macular degeneration. Researchers have recently found that Elmiron-related vision damage leaves a unique signature on the retina in the eye. The signature makes tracing the cause of the blindness much easier. Individuals who take Elmiron should see an Elmiron opthalmologist to have specific Elmiron vision damage testing done.
